Sh2-119 – Mono

This is Sharpless 119 (Sh2-119), a nice an often forgotten emission nebula sitting right next to the North America Nebula – somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Probably, this is why are there not many images of it. In addition to the dominant H-alpha emission there are some prominent dark dust lanes. In the center of the nebulosity there is the star 68 Cyg.

This is a straight Ha monochrome image constructed from 20 exposures with 600 sec each, more than 3 hours of total exposure. Taken with my wide-field setup with the Asahi/Pentax Takumar 135mm f/2.5 with the ATIK 460EXm from my balcony in the light-polluted Frankfurt area – Bortle class 7 (red zone). Make sure to look at this image in full-size view.

Exposure: H, 39 x 600sec Date: 2016-9-27
Setup: Takumar 135mm f/2.5 with ATIK 460EXm Site: Langen, Hessen Germany


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