Western Veil Nebula in RGB
Exposure: H 13 x 1800sec, L 16 x 900sec, RGB (16,16,8) x 600sec Date: 2016-06-12…2016-07-07 Setup: Takahashi FSQ106 EDXIII with QSI 683WSG-8 Site: Deep Sky West Observatory, NM, USA
The Cave Nebula, Sh2-155, is at the heart of a lively and colorful region in Cepheus. The Ha region Sh2-155 is the red structure in the center of the image, surrounded by a whirl of colorful stars, reflection nebulae, and dark clouds. A beautiful and rich scenery – look at it in full-size view. This […]
This is Sharpless 64 (Sh2-64) and its neighborhood in the constellation Serpens Cauda. The star-forming Ha region Sh2-64, also known as Westerhout 40, is the red structure below the image center. But honestly, I find the surrounding nebulosity much more exciting. There is a huge maze of reflection and dark nebulae criss-crossing the whole field […]
This is van den Bergh 15 (vdB 15), a beautiful reflection nebula surrounding the magnitude 5 star C Cam and part of a large dust cloud in Camelopardalis. The image is an LRGB composite using 12.5 hours of data taken at the Deep Sky West Observatory. Exposure: LRGB, (24,17,17,16) x 600sec Date: 2016-03-05…2016-09-27 Setup: Takahashi […]
The Sadr region, IC 1318, is the busy neighborhood round the mag 2.2 star Sadr or gamma Cygni. It is a large expanse of nebulosity with dominant Ha emission nebulae and various dark nebulae. The Crescent Nebula (in the lower left cover of the image) is embedded into the region. This is one of my […]
The Whirlpool Galaxy, M51, in a wide-field setting. This is an LRGB composite with a little bit of Ha admixture from a total of 22 hours of exposures taken at the Deep Sky West Observatory. Exposure: L 32 x 900sec, RGB (16,16,16) x 600sec, Ha 16 x 1800sec Date: 2016-04-10…2016-05-04 Setup: Takahashi FSQ106 EDXIII with […]
The Leo Triplet, a well known trio of beautiful galaxies – M65, M66 and NGC3828. Actually, there are many more tiny galaxies in this image. All of them belong to the M66 galaxy group with the Leo Triplet at its heart. In this deep exposure you also see the tidal tail extending from the edge […]
The Whale and Crowbar Galaxies, NGC4632 and NGC4656, in an LRGB composite. A pair of interesting galaxies in Canes Venatici, which might have had a close encounter in the past. The Whale Galaxy is an edge-on spiral galaxy with a slightly distorted silhouette, its about the same size as our Milky Way. The Crowbar or […]
This is the Pinwheel Galaxy, M101, in a wide-ish field LRGB composite. Usually one would image this beauty at a slightly larger focal length, but this wider field puts the galaxy into a nice context. M101 is a large galaxy, quite comparable to the Milky Way. With a diameter of 170,000 light-years it is about […]
This is a HaLRGB composite of M106 with its companion NGC4217 and many small neighbours. Have a look at the full-size image to discover all the tiny galaxies in this field. The image is composed of 25 x 900 sec luminance, 16 x 600 sec RGB, and 19×1800 sec Ha exposures taken at the Deep […]